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This has been a long time coming.

Consumed, my biggest (and some would argue my best) book baby is undergoing changes.

Not too long ago, the contract I had with my publisher for this series expired. I had the option to re-sign the contract, and I was going to, but Seth and Olivia desperately needed a "refresher" since it'd been a while and I felt my writing style had evolved enough to be able to do them justice.

I've been working on the "refreshing" of Consumed for a painfully long time. PAINFULLY long. Because of the length of time it has taken me, and the crippling writer's block I feel like I've had for years now, I've decided not to re-sign this series with a publisher. Mostly, it's because I'm all over the place at the moment and I'm tired of making people wait on me -- publishers, writers, and readers alike. I can't make any promises, or give any timeframes for any projects/releases I have more work to do than I can keep up with and I'm tired of seeing numbers, and graphs, and rankings. I'm just...tired.

So, here's my plan for 2021-2022. I'm going to finish refreshing and re-covering the Consumed series. Then, I'm going to move on to The Unfortunates and refresh that too, and re-release Kade & Nine's story (as well as their last novel The Misfortunates). Then, I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably work on the next Devil's Cartel novel. I honestly don't know.

Anyway, here is the new cover for Consumed. The cover is by Golden Czermak at FuriousFotog He'll be in charge of putting new covers on the rest of the series too!



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